Five Groups of People Who Don’t Deserve Civil Rights, Since Apparently That’s Something We Can Do Now

On February 28th, Iowa governor Kim Reynolds signed a bill that strikes gender identity from Iowa’s civil rights law. This made Iowa the first state to remove civil rights from a previously protected class.
But why stop there? If taking away people’s civil rights is something we’re going to start doing, we at the Doily Allergen have a couple of suggestions. Here are five groups of people who should have had their civil rights revoked instead of trans people.
Iowa Legislators.
Enough said.
University of Iowa Parking Department Employees
If you’re going to be printing out ticket after ticket for helpless students drowning in midterms, then you kind of need to be harassed. Sorry not sorry.
YikYak Users
YikYak is genuinely one of the scariest hellscapes on the internet. Anyone who is on there for more than 30 minutes a day needs to be put under a microscope. And also maybe dehumanized a little bit.
The Daily Iowan
The lies! The slander! The fake news! Someone needs to take this incredibly unreliable news source, clearly not as authentic as yours truly, and let them understand what it’s like to be laughed at or considered “satirical,” when all they are trying to do is accurately report the thoughts and feelings of the campus! We haven’t forgotten when you ignored our email last March, Daily Iowan. Now you will feel our wrath.
The Local Four-Eyes Community
They just need to be humbled.
We hope that our government will take these groups of people into consideration the next time they decide to destroy someone’s entire sense of safety and well-being!