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Before Finals Week Starts, Does Anyone Wanna Admit They Have A Crush on Us?

Ev Walters

Be Honest 🫣

Ah, Dead Week: The point in the semester where everyone’s on the verge of collapse getting ready for finals, and classes still have the audacity to act like they matter. Come on, why can’t we just have the extra hours to cram to make up for all the lectures we skipped?! Finals are a stressful time for sure, which is why we, the Doily Allergen, don't want you to go at it alone. 

Does anyone wanna admit they have a crush on us? Be honest. We know, we know, it can seem like a lot to admit. Wooing an organization of our type and size is surely a daunting task. But we’re truly very humble and down to earth, despite nearly having 1,500 whole followers on Instagram. Don’t think of us as too out of reach! We’re LITERALLY just like you.

Also, haven’t you always wanted to get with an entire journalism organization? Bag a we/us baddie? It might be fun to get a little risky. Get a little frisky. Plus, you can gain some woke points by making a foray into polyamory. You literally have nothing to lose.

So what are you waiting for? Slide into our DMs and let’s make this upcoming finals week worth it. 😎


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