5 Stereotypical Tattoos You Should Never Get in College

College is a fun and exciting time for everyone, but sometimes all that hustle and bustle can go to your head. Before you know it, you could be making a mistake that’ll stick with you for the rest of your life and leave your wallet a little lighter. But never fear! We’re here to help. Here are five stereotypical tattoos you should NEVER get in college:
1. Matching infinity signs
We’ve all seen ‘em. Two blonde 19-year-olds rock up at Cactus 3 sporting a daring white-on-denim look. You know it in your heart before you see it with your eyes: two black infinity symbols on the inside of their right ankles. Look, everybody has this tattoo, why not get a little more imaginative with it?
2. A cob of corn
Everyone in the Midwest has this tattoo, but for some it actually has a religious meaning behind it. We’ve all seen the Sunday crowds, clad in green and yellow, but what a lot of people don’t know is they’re not just here for fun; they’re here to attend local church St. Marks of the Holy Hominy. So, when you’re ready to go under the needle, remember to show some respect for our friends at Holy Hominy.
3. Lyrics from Bon Iver’s debut album: For Emma, Forever Ago
I know, I know. It made me cry too. In fact, I still cry to it, and I’d be lying if I said I didn’t already have the chorus of “Skinny Love” etched in my shoulder blade for all eternity. It still didn’t make my ex come back. And they don’t give you refunds for that shit, no matter how many times you call. Fuck.
4. A photorealistic portrait of University of Iowa President Barbara J. Wilson
5. Gritty
The Philadelphia Flyers’ mascot really made a splash on social media with his bulging eyes and haphazard orange mane, but did you know he’s also not the Iowa mascot? I literally did not until the first football game of the season, where I was decked out in my homemade Gritty fit that took literal months to put together. Don’t make the same mistake I did, do your research first. Consider a tattoo of the actual University of Iowa mascot, Willy the Walrus.
So there you have it folks: our top five picks for the most stereotypical tattoos you should avoid getting in college. Tattoos are a way to express yourself and stand out, so don’t get lost in the crowd. Carve your own path!