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Campus Life

Student Spotlight: Al Gore
Several days ago, we at the DA received an anonymous tip concerning a celebrity student in classes of various subjects, including...

Evil Wizard Spotted Terrorizing Innocent Bus
Has sorcery gone too far? Strange things are happening on Clinton St., friends. Strange things indeed. Footage from an anonymous (but...

Iowa River Freezes Over, Trapping The Creature Beneath
Climate Reports Indicate This Annual Tradition Could Soon Become a Rare Occurrence Ah, winter. The time of pretty snow, disgusting slush,...

Purple Heart Awarded to Cambus Driver on Snowy Day
The West Campus Transportation Center was inhabited for the very first time this week for a Purple Heart Ceremony, where the medal was...

Barb Wilson Buys Mall to Build New Vacation House
So we all heard the news, the University has bought the Old Capital Mall. But the real question is, what are they planning to do with it?...

Campaign to Add Lunchly to C-Store Menu
Since the release of Lunchly, off-brand Lunchables made by YouTubers Mr. Beast, Logan Paul, and KSI, there has been nothing but good...

FACT: Not Even Vegans Eat the Hillcrest Vegan Brownies
Have you ever been eating at the best dining hall on campus, Hillcrest Market Place, when the hunger for a sweet treat hits you? You...

Student Spotlight: The One Guy Who Always Takes The Big Tables
There is nothing worse than waiting in line for 15 minutes for mysterious-smelling orange chicken and stale vegan brownies, only for your...

Street Hawk Debuts ‘Disgusting Burger Surprise’
A Meal that Leaves You Sweating, Shaking, and Satisfied In a shocking turn of events, the University of Iowa’s Street Hawk Food Truck has...

Freddy’s Rises from the Dead
Scariest Ghoul This Season is Food Poisoning Tenders fall across the land The drunken hour is close at hand Caniacs crawl in search of...

‘Pumpkin Spice Incident’ at Library Café Destroys Thousands of Precious Books
BREAKING: A hardware malfunction at the University of Iowa Main Library has led to the explosion of the “White-Girl-Inator,” the machine...

Burge Walking Tacos Win Michelin Star
After years of tireless effort perfecting the best walking tacos, Clinton Street Market in Burge finally gets the acknowledgement it...

Motorist Dies Following Bicycle Crash
This morning at 10:27 CDT, Iowa City motorist Thomass Clack collided with a bicycle while making a left turn at the intersection of...

Iowa Ave. Pedestrian Tunnel Construction Actually Evil Bridge Troll Takeover
Astute residents of the Iowa City area may have noticed the repairs on the pedestrian tunnel underneath Iowa Avenue have been taking...

Mini Bibles Handed Out on the Pentacrest Revealed to be Drug Deals in Disguise
We’ve all been there, trudging across the Pentacrest on Monday morning, going to that dreaded 8 a.m. class for the second time the entire...

Top 10 Name Ideas for Student Apartments
As a college town, Iowa City is full of student apartment buildings that are all trying to appear as cool and hip to their potential...

Local Four-Eyes Chains Self to Old Capitol
But, like, why? Tensions between four-eyes and normal people have risen to a new high in Iowa City as a local four-eyes has chained...

Student Spotlight: Guy Who Hits on Girls in ICON Discussion Posts
19 year-old Chase Hopkins, a second-year Finance major, found a new, innovative way to attract the ladies. The Doily Allergen sat down...

Sign Guy Gets Raptured During Demonstration Outside Burge
All signs point to salvation The University of Iowa campus has just lost one of Christ’s strongest warriors, but the kingdom of heaven...

What’s the Deal With All the Fucking Lit Mags??
Submit your hyperspecific lit mag ideas below If you’ve so much as existed on the University of Iowa campus the past few weeks, you’re...
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